cold Canberra
Finally it looks like the cold weather is here in Canberra. It hasn't rained for over 2 months (and I don't really think the last time it rained was particularly heavy), its clear blue skies every day, but still, its bloody freezing. I ride my bike into ANU most days from Belconnen (or in the local bogan tongue .. "belco"), and the numbness factor seems to be increasing every morning. Its at its worst as I descend down the side of black mountain (the hill with Telstra Tower on top). Its now starting to hurt. My fingers are feeling it (maybe its time to get proper gloves.) The trees seem to have finally worked out its Autumn (in the last weeks), finally showing some Autumn colour. Apparently because April's average temp was greater than March's, the trees all thought Spring was here, and so some of them started to blossom. Its all a bit scary when you think about it. The climate really can play havoc on the life cycle of plants. The last few months of record breaking weather patterns, and the frequency of gloomy media reports on all of this seems like something out of those natural disaster movies. I am not predicting any kind of ice age in the next few months, but I reckon we had better face up to a few home truths. Things are a change'n!