Thursday, June 16, 2005

My name is Chris, and yes .. I'm a blogaholic

Since I started my own blog, I of course have become more interested in reading blogs of other people. This, I have found to be a most intriguing pass-time, and I am now realising, a dangerous one as I clock up many a "wasted" hour of PhD time reading the fascinating views of the world at large. Of course, if a PhD is meant to be the ultimate opportunity to broaden ones mind, then surely this is not really wasting time. However, I suspect my supervisory committee won't quite see it the same way come my six month progress report.

I have just recently added some links to a few blogs of friends of mine (on the right side bar). All are worth checking out. I will add more as I start to find them.

Also, I found Democrats Senator for Queensland, Andrew Bartlett's blog via Rob's blog a couple of weeks ago. It is well worth a read, and a great way to get a snap shot of life as a parliamentarian (regardless of your political persuasion, or lack thereof). It will be particularly interesting to read his views in the coming week, as a heap of senators who lost their seats in last years election leave, making way for the governments new senate majority.

I particularly admire Senator Bartlett's frankness on many important issues, as well some of his more personal posts. It's true, some politicians (maybe even most) are actually human!

Oh well, back to blog reading .. sorry ... I mean .. PhD work .... really ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been quite the procrastinator myself lately but that isn't to say that the activities I have chosen to replace studying for my psychology exam/literature essays/etc haven't been useful ones. One day the world will thank me for creating the cardboard thingy that you can keep your exercise book in so it doesn't fall out the hole worn into the plastic sleeve of your display folder. Come on, that’s genius.

The most frustrating part however has to come when the motherly one has her day off the day before said psychology exam. Supposably sitting on the couch watching TV, wasting time online and trying to remember words to songs from Alice in Wonderland aren't productive (go figure) and so every five minutes she shoots through the room with only the vapour trail of a "aren't you meant to be studying?" left behind. Indeed, imposing guilt upon her own offspring. Gone are the days when it was enough to be cute to get out of doing things.

6/16/2005 08:52:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The auntie of the outrageously witty cousin laura, sister of the motherly one and mother of blogaholic......Doesn't anybody work any more, both of you get back to studying and laura obey the Motherly one and make your auntie a cardboard thingy.....Chris your worrying me polotics....hmmm

6/16/2005 09:37:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Auntie of the outrageously witty cousin Laura, as of today I am free to do as I will (with the exception of driving Prince Matthew to school for his exams) as uni is over for the semester.

6/16/2005 10:21:00 PM

Blogger macca said...

nice to hear from my most witty of cousins, Laura, and Aunty Marg.

... well .. at least my procrastination has brought about this blog, which seems to be providing a form of therapy for all of us who clearly have too much time on our hands :)

Hope the exams went well Laura!

6/17/2005 04:33:00 PM

Blogger melt said...

er, sorry to change the tone a bit, but in your political procrastination you might be interested in this one?

it is rather addictive, yes. But a fascinating way to keep up with family and friends who tend to forget you're reading!

6/17/2005 10:19:00 PM

Blogger macca said...

.. and sometimes the blogger can forget friends and family are reading :)

6/20/2005 12:35:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited you've come out and admitted your blogaholism. I was at first envious that you were able to make interesting posts at such regular intervals, then became a little worried when they continued and in fact became more detailed. I thought you could not possibly keep it up, but alas, you are all but creating a new blog entry record. Now that you have admitted it, do you feel better?

Like Laura, i have been studying for exams. I was of course logging on every five minutes because i have re-discoverd that i am the ultimate procrastinator. I knew that each day or two a new online adventure awaited me, but my favourite part was the five minutes after my previous login when i saw a new entry and realised it was freshly posted. It gave me such a thrill.

i was obviously to scared to actually post a comment, because that would have digitally admitted that i wasn't studying, but now that i am finished for the semester, i can do so. Let's face it, i'm Mike and i'm a readablogaholic. There, i said it.

6/20/2005 10:10:00 PM

Blogger macca said...

shout it out Michael .. in big bold, CAPITAL LETTERS, with ITALICS


Now .. group hug

6/21/2005 11:20:00 AM


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