Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bravo Rabbitohs !

Don't ask me how they are going this season. All I know about the South Sydney Rabbitohs is that they play Rugby League, they come from South Sydney, and they are planning to remove all "Pokie" machines from their club rooms.

There are few things I hate more than Pokie machines. As Tim Costello explains, they exploit those who are most vulnerable in the community, to fill the wallets of the gaming industry. Sure, a lot of this money comes back to the public through taxes, but who wants to live in a society that exploits, and feeds off the misfortunes of their fellow citizens. In any case, it is public money that will inevitably be used to support those families who cannot afford to eat because of money lost on these machines.

Pokie machines have no place in a civilised society, and I hope the Rabbitoh's decision is the start of something bigger.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate, you'll be glad to hear that the Polish Club here in Canberra has also followed suit (or maybe they led, and nobody noticed):

P.S. Other useful/useless facts about the Rabbitohs:
1. Partially owned by Russell Crowe
2. Usually referred to as the bunnies

P.P.S. A Canadian brining you up to speed on League is not quite as unique as a Canadian explaining the 'art' of chucking to an Israeli!

9/24/2007 09:02:00 PM

Blogger macca said...

thanks Pete, glad to have a Canadian bring me up to speed on League. For the sport of Rugby League be nearly as foreign to me, as your great land of North.

I trust our Israeli friend is keeping his arm nice and straight.

9/26/2007 01:39:00 AM


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